Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Search Engine Optimization Tip #1

As a search engine optimizer with 10 years experience, the tip of the day for anyone creating an SEO campaign is to use part calculated strategy paired with uncalculated informality.

How Did That Site Rank High in Google?

Do a Google search for a keyword/phrase you want to rank high for. Check out the top 10 search engine results and you'll notice two things. First, some sites are alphabet-offensive and written in a keyword-jammed manner that is unconversational. Secondly, you'll notice top ranking sites that make you wonder how the heck they got to page one because they're clean, professional, and the index page has little text--or--gasp--they're flash sites. Do the owners of those lucky SEO sites know someone in Google City--the wizard perhaps?

What Came First The Tag or the Content?

More than likely those sites were optimized by a professional who knows that SEO is equally about the code and tags of a site as it is about content substance. Don't get me wrong--content is king as long as it contains keywords, but the code and tags make the difference between simply a title to a paragraph and a series of headers--and keywords in the headers are the ruby slippers that will advance rank.

There's no Place Like Page One

Tags are the little differences that boost your search engine rank without your site looking like a load of ....words. More SEO techniques within the code and tags will separate the obvious (and ugly) SEO sites from the ones that make you wonder--"Now how did they get page one." Hmm...I wonder which sites gets more sales......

So, the tip for today is to look at little things you can do "behind the curtain" that users won't see, to improve your rank. And always keep it ethical.

You can start with headers, which I'll discuss in the next post.

For professional and proven SEO services check out ProveSEOServices.com.

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