Thursday, September 20, 2007

Search Engine Optimization Tip #2 : Headings

The first Search Engine Optimization tip offered in this blog was to fully optimize the code and tags of a page which means you can concentrate on giving the user a clean and informative experience. We've all seen those top ranking sites that are full of text and keywords to advance their rank. But do they look good? No. Are those sites losing sales? Survey says yes. And so the purpose of this blog is to offer SEO tips that are ethical, organic, and that won't make your site look trashy. You can hire an affordable yet experienced person, such as myself, or you can follow the tips on this blog to get to page one.

So, let's get to the second tip: using and optimizing headings.

What are HTML Headings?

Let's say everyone in a class is asked to write a major research paper on the same topic. The first step is to write an outline which the professor uses to rank the papers. He/she puts the most specific topics at the top of the pile, with general and vague discussions at the bottom. But how does the professor know how to rank the papers when he/she only sees an outline? The answer is by looking at the topic headings.

Think of search engine robots as the professor, and your page headings as the outline. The use and optimization of headings within your content will help the search engine know what your content is about, if it is specific or general, and in turn improve search engine optimization if done right.

So, to sum up what headings are, they are titles that introduce a paragraph, but to be an "official" heading, specific tags must be used or robots won't recognize their importance.

HTML Tags for Headings

In an outline you'd have sections broken down by I. II. III., A. B. C., i. ii. iii., etc.
In an HTML document topics are divided by headings

H1--most important

followed by

H2--second most important

H3--third most important



HTML tags come in a series of to start the command the other to close it.

Tips for using headings--make it relevant, brief, and use keywords within headings. Use your most important keywords in your first and main heading.

Use Heading Tags on Your Site

Now that you are familiar with headings, why not go through your existing website and add heading tags where you currently have just titles. This is a simple and easy way to improve your search engine rank!

In the next topic we'll return to headings and I'll give you tips for optimizing the text within headings.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Search Engine Optimization Tip #1

As a search engine optimizer with 10 years experience, the tip of the day for anyone creating an SEO campaign is to use part calculated strategy paired with uncalculated informality.

How Did That Site Rank High in Google?

Do a Google search for a keyword/phrase you want to rank high for. Check out the top 10 search engine results and you'll notice two things. First, some sites are alphabet-offensive and written in a keyword-jammed manner that is unconversational. Secondly, you'll notice top ranking sites that make you wonder how the heck they got to page one because they're clean, professional, and the index page has little text--or--gasp--they're flash sites. Do the owners of those lucky SEO sites know someone in Google City--the wizard perhaps?

What Came First The Tag or the Content?

More than likely those sites were optimized by a professional who knows that SEO is equally about the code and tags of a site as it is about content substance. Don't get me wrong--content is king as long as it contains keywords, but the code and tags make the difference between simply a title to a paragraph and a series of headers--and keywords in the headers are the ruby slippers that will advance rank.

There's no Place Like Page One

Tags are the little differences that boost your search engine rank without your site looking like a load of ....words. More SEO techniques within the code and tags will separate the obvious (and ugly) SEO sites from the ones that make you wonder--"Now how did they get page one." Hmm...I wonder which sites gets more sales......

So, the tip for today is to look at little things you can do "behind the curtain" that users won't see, to improve your rank. And always keep it ethical.

You can start with headers, which I'll discuss in the next post.

For professional and proven SEO services check out

Proven Method for Top Search Engine Rank

Smart SEO--the only technique that is guaranteed to work--is knowing and understanding:

The SEO campaign of your competitors.
The SEO campaign of top ranking sites for targeted keywords in multiple search engines.

This method is the only search engine optimization technique that is guaranteed to advance your site quickly and keep your site on top. Creating a strategic long-term SEO strategy, starts by analyzing your competitor's optimization strategy and that of top ranking sites.

The "Outrank Your Competition"report is an in depth analysis of the SEO strategies of top ranking sites and/or your competitors. Get all the details including:

How to easily, ethically, organically, and affordably top their rank.
The SEO weaknesses of competing companies or top ranking sites.

Technorati Profile

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ethical, Organic, and Affordable SEO Services

About Proven SEO Services & Search Optimization

Previous clients of research, services, and print guides range from Microsoft, Starbucks, E! Entertainment Television, as well as consulting firms, mortgage companies, graphic design houses, advertising agencies, and individual website owners.

A skilled SEO strategist must understand how all the pieces fit together (search results, web site development, content, keywords, competitors, graphics, coding, links, etc.). Only with years of experience can the SEO strategist instinctually comprehend how all aspects play off the other, affecting search rank. I provide an SEO service and strategy that comes from over a decade of experience. It is proven, organic, ethical, and guaranteed. Using these search optimization (SEO) strategies companies have attained top rank for highly competitive keywords such as "recruiting", "graphics", and many marketing-related terms.

Benefits of using Proven SEO Services
No annual contracts. Go month-to-month.
Your agreement with Proven SEO Services is 100% confidential. I will not do business with your competitors.
The strategy created for your company will be 100% customized. No out-of-the-box solutions here!
Over 10 years of proven experience that achieves results.
USA-based, 100% ethical and organic SEO techniques.
Professional service. Always available.
Age does not matter. Page one is possible for newer sites.
Flash sites are welcome--and I'll get you high ranking.
As a published author, researcher, business owner, and web designer, your SEO content will be written to grab the consumers' attention and convert them to sales.
Price is affordable because my overhead is low.
Your project is never outsourced to interns--I handle each project personally.